
Why the ATO is targeting babyboomer wealth

2025-02-11T11:56:08+10:00February 11th, 2025|ATO, Family, General, News, SMSF, Trusts|

“Succession planning, and the tax risks associated with it, is our number one focus in 2025. In recent years we’ve observed an increase in reorganisations that appear to be connected to succession planning.” ATO Private Wealth Deputy Commissioner Louise Clarke The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) thinks that wealthy babyboomer Australians, particularly those with successful

What’s ahead in 2025?

2024-12-09T21:09:13+10:00December 9th, 2024|ATO, Corporate, Family, General, News|

The last few years have been a rollercoaster ride of instability. 2025 holds hope, but not a guarantee, of greater stability and certainty. We explore some of the key changes and challenges. An election Welcome to political advertising slipping into your social media, voicemail, and television viewing - most likely with messages from the

When overseas workers are Australian employees

2024-11-12T14:05:16+10:00November 26th, 2024|ATO, Corporate, General, News|

The Fair Work Commission has determined that a Philippines based “independent contractor” was an employee unfairly dismissed by her Australian employer. Like us, you are probably curious how a foreign national living in the Philippines, who had an ‘independent contractors’ agreement with an Australian company, could be classified as an Australian employee by the

It wasn’t me: the tax fraud scam

2024-10-10T14:57:37+10:00September 1st, 2024|ATO, Corporate, Family, General, News, NSW, Scams|

You login to your myGov account to find that your activity statements for the last 12 months have been amended and GST credits of $100k issued. But it wasn’t you. And you certainly didn’t get a $100k refund in your bank account. What happens now? In what is rapidly becoming the most common tax

$20k instant asset write-off passes Parliament

2024-07-01T15:45:51+10:00July 9th, 2024|ATO, Corporate, General, News|

Legislation increasing the instant asset write-off threshold from $1,000 to $20,000 for the 2024 income year passed Parliament just 5 days prior to the end of the financial year. Purchases of depreciable assets with a cost of less than $20,000 that a small business makes between 1 July 2023 and 30 June 2024 can

What’s ahead for 2024-25?

2024-07-01T15:38:27+10:00July 1st, 2024|ATO, Budget, Corporate, General, News, Super|

Will 2024-25 be another year of volatility or a return to stability? Personal tax & super As you would be aware (at least we hope so after a $40m public education campaign), the personal income tax cuts came into effect on 1 July 2024. At the same time, the superannuation guarantee (SG) rate increased

The Essential 30 June Guide

2024-06-04T20:39:45+10:00June 5th, 2024|ATO, Budget, Corporate, Family, General, News|

The end of the financial year is fast approaching. Click HERE for an insightful article titled "The Essential 30 June Guide," it outlines the areas at risk of increased ATO scrutiny and the opportunities to maximise your deductions. In summary: Key Opportunities for You 1. Tax Cuts and Deductions: - Prepay deductible expenses and

Budget 2024-25

2024-04-15T10:30:05+10:00April 15th, 2024|Budget, General, News|

The 2024-25 Federal Budget is the third for the Albanese Government and consistent with previous years, the primary themes are expected to be the cost of living and the economic shift to net zero. According to election guru Antony Green, the window for the next election starts on Saturday, 3 August 2024, “the first

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