Tax deduction denied for signature basketball shoe R&D

2024-12-09T20:52:42+10:00December 27th, 2024|ATO, Corporate, General|

The Federal Court has denied a sports company’s appeal to claim research & development incentives for the creation of an Australian signature basketball shoe. The Movie Air highlighted the importance of the signature Air Jordan shoe to Nike. While expected to sell around $3 million worth of shoes by its fourth year, the signature

What’s ahead in 2025?

2024-12-09T21:09:13+10:00December 9th, 2024|ATO, Corporate, Family, General, News|

The last few years have been a rollercoaster ride of instability. 2025 holds hope, but not a guarantee, of greater stability and certainty. We explore some of the key changes and challenges. An election Welcome to political advertising slipping into your social media, voicemail, and television viewing - most likely with messages from the

When overseas workers are Australian employees

2024-11-12T14:05:16+10:00November 26th, 2024|ATO, Corporate, General, News|

The Fair Work Commission has determined that a Philippines based “independent contractor” was an employee unfairly dismissed by her Australian employer. Like us, you are probably curious how a foreign national living in the Philippines, who had an ‘independent contractors’ agreement with an Australian company, could be classified as an Australian employee by the

More women using ‘downsizer’ contributions to boost super

2024-10-10T15:30:16+10:00October 31st, 2024|ATO, Family, General, Super|

If you are aged 55 years or older, the downsizer contribution rules enable you to contribute up to $300,000 from the proceeds of the sale of your home to your superannuation fund (eligibility criteria applies). In 2023-24, over 57% of people making a ‘downsizer’ contribution to super were women. And, the average value of

Succession: the series

2024-11-12T13:07:17+10:00October 24th, 2024|ATO, Family, General|

Ok, not that Succession series. Each month we’ll bring you a new perspective on transferring property. Be it estate planning, managing an inheritance, or the various forms of business succession. This article, we look at the tax consequences of inheriting property. Beyond the difficult task of dividing up your assets and determining who should

Payday super: the details

2024-10-10T14:59:37+10:00September 10th, 2024|ATO, Corporate, General, Super|

‘Payday super’ will overhaul the way in which superannuation guarantee is administered. We look at the first details and the impending obligations on employers. From 1 July 2026, employers will be obligated to pay superannuation guarantee (SG) on behalf of their employees on the same day as salary and wages instead of the current

It wasn’t me: the tax fraud scam

2024-10-10T14:57:37+10:00September 1st, 2024|ATO, Corporate, Family, General, News, NSW, Scams|

You login to your myGov account to find that your activity statements for the last 12 months have been amended and GST credits of $100k issued. But it wasn’t you. And you certainly didn’t get a $100k refund in your bank account. What happens now? In what is rapidly becoming the most common tax

When is a gift not a gift?

2024-08-14T21:32:09+10:00August 14th, 2024|ATO, Family, General|

The Tax Commissioner has successfully argued that more than $1.6m deposited in a couple’s bank account was assessable income, not a gift or a loan from friends. The case of Rusanova and Commissioner of Taxation is enough for a telemovie. The plot features an Australian resident Russian couple ‘gifted’ over $1.6m in unexplained bank

Earned an income from the sharing economy?

2024-08-14T21:40:59+10:00July 22nd, 2024|ATO, General|

It’s essential that any income earned from sharing economy platforms such as Airbnb, Stayz, Uber, etc., is declared in your tax return. Since 1 July 2023, the platforms delivering ride-sourcing, taxi travel, and short-term accommodation (under 90 days), have been required to report transactions made through their platform to the ATO under the sharing

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